Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You've been Googled. Have a nice day.

Your website is compromised. Your Yoast is toast. That's right, your SEO work is toast. All your online marketing efforts are in the crapper.


Because you used any Google product, service, and software, ever.

Google has violated you from the backside, and got you to say thank you, because it was a freebie.

They got you to contribute to their massive database, only to exploit it to the interests of their subjective, fully-flawed human editors, administrators, management, and shareholders. If they like you, you're set. Your problem isn't attracting business. It's managing money. However, if you aren't on their friends list, you're seriously scroogled. They can, have, do, and will subjectively persecute you, your brand, your business, and anything else they can get their grubby little dorkwad engineering hands on, and try to punish you like a naughty child.

Good going, Ace. How's it feel to be Google's bitch?

If you want to avoid all the headache you get trying to fight the google, just stop. Stop using Chrome. Stop using Ad Words. Stop using Ad Sense. Stop using Google Search. Stop using Android. Stop using Google +. Stop using Blogger. Stop using Picasa. Stop using Webmaster Tools. Stop using Analytics.

Stop using Google.

Build yourself a new network of information, outside of the goog; one that can't be prejudiced, poked, prodded or otherwise penetrated by the big, bad search engine in the clouds.

At what point will you say to yourself, "Damn! This was a great idea. Stop using Google. And I read it a site p0wned by Google."

Search me.